Joining the SNU Healing Accreditation Scheme
To become a SNU Trainee Healing Medium you must either be a member of a SNU affiliated Church, Kindred Body, Pioneer Centre or Individual Member of the SNU.
There are two types of trainee healing medium:
a. Supervised
b. *Recipient-certified
A supervised trainee can be under the supervision of either a Church or an Individual Member of the SNU who is also a Registered Accredited Healing Medium.
Those who are Church-supervised will be appointed to the Church Healing Group and under the supervision of either the Healing Group Leader or a Committee-appointed trainer who is also a Registered Accredited Healing Medium.
Supervised trainees must have their logbooks signed by their supervisors.
Recipient-certified status must be approved by the Healing Committee
Recipient-certified trainees are required to be an Individual Member of the SNU
Recipient-certified trainees receive their training online by a Healing Committee-appointed online trainer who is also an Individual Member of the SNU and a Registered Accredited Healing Medium.
Recipient-certified trainees must have their logbooks signed by the recipient.
*All trainees who wish to follow the recipient-certified route must have the permission of the Healing Committee.
SNU Individual Member / Church Member:
Initial Fee - £80.00
Annual Renewal Fee - £26.50
Please allow 2-4 weeks for your registration to be processed.
Click … To Apply to be a Trainee Healer
Don’t forget funding your course is available through the Southern District Council
Pathway to becoming a SNU Accredited Healing Medium
Requirements and training information (To be completed within 3 years of registration)
For Supervised Trainees the following applies:
1. Become a member of a SNU Church and be invited to join their Healing group.
2. Become an Individual Member of the SNU sponsored by an Accredited Healing Medium who will oversee your training.
Apply to SNU Head office to join the SNU Healing Accreditation scheme in order to receive your logbook and SH1 education course.
Complete the 5 pre-healing sessions.
Complete 50 practical healing sessions with a maximum of 2 per week.
Complete and pass the SNU SH1 education course. (The SH1 course is included in the above registration fee).
Complete 4 Training Sessions either online or with your District Council.
After the above is completed submit your logbook to the SNU Head office who will arrange for your upgrading assessment in your District or online.
For Recipient Certified Trainees the following applies:
Apply for SNU Individual Membership.
Apply to join the SNU Healing Accreditation Scheme.
Complete the 5 online pre-healing sessions.
Complete 50 practical healing sessions with the recipient signing your logbook with a maximum of 2 entries per week.
Complete and pass the SNU SH1 education course. (The SH1 course is included in the above registration fee).
Must attend all online training sessions.
Submit your logbook on completion of the above to the SNU Head office.
Attend an online upgrading assessment.
After all the above is complete you can apply for upgrading assessment. (Assessment fee - £36)