Welcome from the SDC Healing committee.
‘Spiritualist healing mediumship’ and ‘healing mediumship’ mean a form of healing by the use of forces and energies from God directed through the spirit world and a Spiritualist healing medium by the laying on of hands on the body or the direction of thought from a distance or by prayer when the patient is absent’
Being a Healer
SNU Healing Mediums carry out healing in accordance with the philosophy and teachings of Spiritualism. All SNU Healing Mediums are subject to the rules and regulations of the SNU. They work in accordance with the ‘SNU Healing Code of Conduct’ issued by the SN
Events and Courses
SDC Healing will be running courses, events and will have speakers to help you achieve your goals as healers.
Please sign up for your healing newsletter here…
Healing Fund
The SNU, provides an annual healing fund, to all districts, to support aspiring healers in need of financial assistance. If you are looking to pursue your healing ambitions, the Southern District Council (SDC) can offer grants to help you achieve your goals.
A warm welcome from Mark McDonagh - Chairman DC Healing sub-committee
As your Southern District Healing Representative and Chairman DC Healing Sub-Committee I feel able to tell you a bit about myself and my Spiritual Journey, something very personal, revealing and fulfilling on my pathway of self-discovery. ‘You will be up here, you are standing on your Golden Box.’ Related to me from Spirit during a Spiritualist Demonstration in Romford, Essex, where I was born, some 30 years ago and how time has flown. Spirit knows me, what is in my heart, my potentials, my desires. It is our duty to find this out. And the Spirit will assist and encourage us as much as we allow, not with-understanding we have free-will in all things.
Experiencing Spiritual Healing at Ilford SNU Spiritualist Church, Spirit informed me I had the potential to be a Healing Medium and is something I have taken to eagerly as I feel the presence and power of Spirit working with me to attend to all who come for their knowledge and aid. Sometimes to the surprise of those seeking our assistance who know so little of this divine and loving gift from Spirit to humanity.
To become a successful medium in any aspect, we have to lessen the ego and allow the Spirit World to shine. To realise all are important on this journey of development, to be loving, compassionate and to be there for others. Knowing as we do that every small step we take allows many, many minds from Spirit to cross oceans if we allow and they do give us so much back. Spirit has appeared to me, spoken to me, allowed me access to you and has proven to me time and again. They are pure love and are so aware of our actions, past and present and of our intentions and are very intelligent and thankfully forgiving. Though they will step back and this will lessen the effectiveness of our bond if we allow any selfish or egotistical feelings to take hold.
So to you all, I wish to assist all Southern District Trainees and Approved Healing Mediums in any way I can. Also the SDC in any matters where asked in the important role of promoting Spiritualism and especially Healing in our area alongside our other District Representatives, Jackie Wright, the President of the SNU and you. All positive ideas and findings are welcome to me and loving thanks and healing thoughts always to you
Contact Mark: healer@southerndistrict.co.uk